TAM Piston Pump SP

The piston pump is a device designed for pumping dried sludge, with the task of transferring sludge over 10-20 meters to a sludge silo or swap body.

The piston pump is typically installed in connection with the sludge dryer, so that the sludge directly drops onto the pump from the dryer.

The operation principle of the piston pump is as follows:

  • In the standby state, it waits for a command from the automation system.
  • There are several possible control modes.
  • The piston pump's start and stop can be synchronized with the sludge dryer's start and stop.
  • The piston pump's start can also be based on the level of sludge accumulating in the drop hopper.

TAM Piston Pump SP

It consists of a frame, piston, hydraulic cylinder, and hydraulic unit. The piston pump is a self-contained and automatic device, requiring minimal monitoring and maintenance.
Two different models are available, SP250 and SP300, covering a wide range of capacities, as the hydraulic system of the equipment is always customized according to the specific needs of the customer project.
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p. (08) 463 120
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